Thursday, November 09, 2006

Psychic Sciences-2

There are right things; and wrong things. Columbus, with an intention to discover India, sailed westwards and landed in American islands and he thought that he had discovered East Indians; today, the Carribbean Islands are called the West Indies, which is a classic misnomer. But nobody doubts their existences.

As to psychic and occult sciences, those that have won continued interest are worthy of consideration, as astrology or numerology. So are those that have sprung to public acceptance as graphology and psysiognomy, which are newer than some of our standard sciences. All these have to be discussed on their merits.

Each psychic or occult science is treated as it stands today, in the light of modern knowledge and interest. All have been simplified and updated day by day. It is better to list the so called psychic or occult sciences:

Aeromancy, or divination from the air and sky, goes beyond the weather prognostications and concentrates more upon cloud shapes, comets, spectral formations or other phenomena not normally visible in the heavens. Even in modern times, such visions have caused speculation and consternation among viewers.

Alchemy is the science of transmuting base metals into gold or silver with the aid of a misterious substance termed the "philosopher's stone." Alchemists also claimed to prolong human life indefinitely by means of a secret elixir.

Aleectryomancy is a form of divination whereby a bird, usually a black hen or a white gamecock, is allowed to pick grains of corn from a circle of letters, thus forming words or names with prophetic significance. Another method is to recite the letters of the alphabet, noting those at which a cock crows.

Aleuromancy requires slips with answers to questions. These are rolled in balls of dough, which are backed, then mixed. One is chosen at random and presumably will be fulfilled. Modern "fortune cookies" are a survival of this ancient ritual.

1 Comment:

ஞானவெட்டியான் said...

Dear Sir,