Sunday, March 11, 2007

Psychic Sciences-4

Both the Greeks and the Arabs used Belomancy, one of the most ancient types of divination. One method involved throwing the arrows in the air, the point in which the arrows inclined pointed out the direction to be taken.

Bibliomancy is divination using a book, sometimes a bible is used. The book will be opened at a random page and while keeping your eyes closed you will point at a line or passage in the book. Muslims use the Quran for this divination. During the middle ages Virgils Aeneid was popular.

Botanomancy, is a method of divination by burning branches of vervein and briar upon which questions of the practitioners have been carved. The fire and smoke indicate the course of future action to be pursued. A variant method is the scattering of vervein and heather leaves in a high wind to get indications of future actions to be taken.

Bumpology is nickname of Phrenology, a science which studies the relationships between a person's character and the morphology of the skull. It is a very ancient object of study. The first philosopher to locate mental faculties in the head was in fact Aristoteles.

Capnomancy is the study of smoke rising from a fire and is performed in various ways. When they study the motion of smoke, they will be able to get a glimpse into the future and be able to give you predictions of what might happen. Be sure that you listen to the different predictions and then utilize them to make your life a lot better. It will be good to understand the motion of smoke.

Cartomancy is fortune telling with cards and is similar to Tarot readings.

Catoptromancy was an early form of crystal gazing, utilizing a mirror that was turned towards moon to catch lunar rays. Place the mirror at the back of the head of a boy or girl whose eyes were bandaged. In Thessaly, the response reportedly appeared in characters of blood on the face of the moon, probably represented in the mirror. The Thessalian sorceresses derived their art from the Persians, who always endeavored to plant their religion and mystic rites in the countries they invaded.

Causimomancy involves divination from objects placed in a fire. If they fail to ignite, or burn more slowly than anticipated, it is a good omen. Common pieces that have been used in this practice include salt, animals, sticks, incense and leaves.

Cephalomancy refers to divinatory procedures with the skull or head of a donkey or goat.

Ceraunoscopy draws omens from the study of thunder & lightning.

Ceroscopy is a fascinating form of divination in which melted wax is poured into cold water, forming bubbles, which are duly interpreted. This was very popular in Russia. Wax was melted into a brass vessel till it became a liquid of uniform consistence.
The liquid wax was then poured very slowly into another vessel filled with cold water. The pouring was done in a way that the wax congealed in tiny discs upon the surface of the water. The divinator then interpreted the figures of wax.

Chiromancy, or divination from the lines of a person’s hand, is the companion of Chirognomy; these compose modern Palmistry. The lines in the hand can be divided into 3 groups: the major lines, the minor lines and the personal lines. There are 3 major lines to be found in the hand. These are the Life Line, the Heart Line and the Head Line. The minor lines run vertically in the hand and each is named for the finger under which it terminates. Everything else is considered a personal line. The personal lines may have names and fit into categories though there may be some lines that are quite unique to the individual. It is through practice and experience that the palmist can learn how to interpret these lines.

Clairaudience or clear hearing and Clairvoyance or clear seeing is also twin subjects with divinatory features. This is receiving messages in thoughtform from another frequency or realm. It is considered a form of channeling. These have come under modern parapsychology, which regards them as forms of ESP (Extrasensory perception).

Cleromancy is a form of lot casting akin to divination with pebbles or other odd objects with different colors instead of marked cubes. These objects are considered as planets.

Clidomancy or Cleidomancy is worked with a dangling key and movements of the key is interpreted accordingly.

Cosinomancy is similar, using a hanging sieve. These are primitive forms of radiesthesia.

Critomancy is the study of barley cakes with the hope of drawing omens from them. Ancient method of divination by means of observing meats and cakes. The paste of cakes that were offered in sacrifice was closely examined, and from the flour spread upon them, omens were drawn, after being strewn upon sacrificial victims.

Cromniomancy finds significance from onion sprouts. It was usually practiced on Christmas eve to obtain information about absent persons. One method was to inscribe the names of absent friends on individual onions and leave them undisturbed on a table until they began to sprout. The onion that sprouted most rapidly indicated that the person whose name had been inscribed on it was enjoying vigorous health.

Crystallomancy is an art of crystal gazing.

Cyclomancy pertains to divination from a turning wheel. Cyclomancy is the practice of divination where one consults a spinning object, like a wheel, bottle, or top. One form of consultation is direction. When needed, take a bottle and lay it horizontally on the ground, and spin. When it stops spinning, the neck of the bottle will point to the road where your destiny lies. The popular party game "spin the bottle" is based on this concept.