Thursday, June 26, 2008

Astrology - 1.2 - Signs of the Zodiac

1.2 - The Signs of the Zodiac and Their Significance

Among the many group of celestial objects that stud the night sky, there are twelve which form a great belt around the earth.
The signs of the zodiac Based on the SOLAR system each of these represents a month in the astrological year that runs from March 21 on through the succeeding March 20. These are called the signs of the zodiac.

Each month, the Sun enters a new sign, and all persons born during that period have it as their birth sign. According to astrology, there are twelve types of persons thus represented, as all individuals born under a given sign become imbued with its inherent characteristics.
The signs and the dates when they exert their individual influences are as follows:

Aries or the Ram — March 21 through April 19

Taurus or the Bull — April 20 through May 19

Gemini or the Twins — May 20 through June 20

Cancer or the Crab — June 21 through July 22

Leo or the Lion — July 23 through August 21
Virgo or the Virgin — August 22 through September 22

Libra or the Scales — September 23 through October 22

Scorpio or the Scorpion — October 23 through November 21
Sagittarius or the Bowman — November 22 through December 21 Capricorn or the Goat — December 22 through January 20 Aquarius or the Water Carrier — January 21 through February 19
Pisces or the Fish — February 20 through March 20

The twelve charts that follow describe the basic traits attributed to each of these signs, and in many cases they fit the individual with surprising exactitude. All persons differ to some degree, however, and their variable traits will be discussed later, which cover in-between periods as well as planetary influences and their significance. These apply not only to the astrological month, but to the day and year of birth.